See That You Are Not Led Astray

Brendan Heneghan
3 min readMay 6, 2024
The Holy Land. Photo by Benjamin Grull on Unsplash

The death toll in Palestine has surpassed 35,000 lost lives. This is an undercount. Ireland is preparing to recognize Palestinian Statehood, the first nation in all of Western Europe. Brown University has agreed to hold an Israel divestment vote among their corporate board to appease the rebellion of tent encampments around their campus. Student protests are erupting coast-to-coast, voicing disgust with the onslaught in the Levant. This is a nationwide revolt, not constrained by any regional culture or politics. Clashes between protestors and their opposition exploded last Friday into all kinds of rhetorical and physical violence. A savage hatred was unleashed.

Anyone with any moral integrity is outraged by the vastly disproportionate bombing campaign Israel has mounted against the Palestinian people since the October 7th Massacre. Unfortunately, these aggressive Israeli war crimes will only radicalize future generations of Palestinian youths, encouraging a repeat of what we saw on my birthday in 2023.

Nobody seems to discuss this war in a proper way. Nobody gets it right. For decades, Palestinian officials have been stubborn with deals they’ve been offered, while Israeli officials appear to have a field day killing, maiming, and evicting Palestinians from land their families have tended to since the Time of Christ. Two camps have emerged. You either support…



Brendan Heneghan

26 year-old novelist, poet, wanderer, cancer survivor and aspiring journalist. Author of The Hard Road, available now on Amazon 📚