2024: War and Dishonesty are on the Ballot

Brendan Heneghan
5 min readSep 16, 2024
Photo by Sean Robertson on Unsplash

Forty-nine days from now, voters will decide who sits in our nation’s highest office. I will abstain from this vote, since neither of the circus’ nominees appeal to me. They don’t deserve an endorsement. I’ll stick with local initiatives; I’ve become weary of voting mere mortals into positions of power. As both major parties are two sides of the same coin, so are their loyal voters. They fuel the machine at the voting booths. For instance, both Trump and Harris supporters, friends of mine, swear that I must vote for their candidate. Those who seek to rule deserve a life of obscurity. The can gets kicked farther down the line every election cycle. If we are a post-truth society, then there is no trustworthy narrative. And if there is no trustworthy narrative, then those in charge will be validated only to our detriment. The politician lies for the same reason the snake must shed its skin. To stay alive. Of course, we all have at least a grain of dishonesty within us, but we citizens don’t have access to nuclear launch codes.

I’ve become fairly anti-politics during these past couple of years and watched only a few minutes of last week’s debate. It was pure brain rot. “Why the fuck did I stop reading Diogenes to watch this?” I huffed to myself. Nevertheless, I witnessed enough. Trump is a serial liar. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to accept this. And when he states…



Brendan Heneghan

26 year-old novelist, poet, wanderer, cancer survivor and aspiring journalist. Author of The Hard Road, available now on Amazon 📚